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How to Make Your PDF Smaller for Free with EasePDF

Hit the "Add File(s) button to select a PDF file on your computer, laptop, or mobile device."

Customize your output PDF settings. EasePDF Compressor provides three modes for you, and you can pick one of them according to your needs. What's more, you can rotate the file before apply the changes.

Your PDF file will be ready to be compressed and you can download it immediately.

After the compression is complete, you can download the file or share it with others with ease. Learn more about how to compress a PDF file.

Attribute FreeFree Services without Registration

All the tools EasePDF provided are for free to use. You are not required to pay any fees for all the usage and purchase. No personal information is required. You don't need to register, but you can make a subscription for our latest news.

Attribute Strong EncryptionStrong 256-bit SSL Encryption

You can easily use EasePDF's services without installing any plug-in. All the files you have uploaded to our server will be encrypted by a strong 256-bit SSL encryption. We will not share or sell your data to anyone else and make sure they won't be used by others.

Attribute ChoicesThree Kinds of Choices

EasePDF Online PDF Compressor provides you with an opportunity to select the mode you want to reduce the sizes of your PDF files online for free. You can select one from them according to your requirement. There are no watermarks at all.

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